Start hacking! Free food and grants!

Hack TX ‘22: Blockchain Edition

Texas Blockchain is pleased to announce that we are working with Freetail Hackers to bring a blockchain track to HackTX starting this year!



Texas Blockchain was able to raise $65k from various web3 companies to go towards the event and to be distributed in the form of grants to the HackTX winners. We would like shout out our sponsors for making this possible!

Grants Available:
  1. Solana—$20k contribution
  2. NEAR — $10k contribution
  3. BNB Chain & Binance Academy — $10k contribution

FREE Merch & Food: Enjoy some free lunch while hacking and be sure to get some cool merch to take home!



We are pleased to bring to you workshops taught by four amazing companies in the web3 space:

  1. Solana Workshop - Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00pm (GSB 1.343)
  2. Three0 Workshop — Monday, October 10th at 7:00pm (GSB 1.343)
  3. NEAR Workshop — Wednesday, October 12th at 7:00pm (GSB 1.343)

During all of these workshops, you can expect to learn various web3 development skills to equip you to participate in the blockchain track at HackTX!

March 5th, 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM

9:00 AM - Participants arrive and sign in

9:30 AM - NEAR Introduction

10:00 AM - NEAR Hackathon Overview

10:30 AM - Start Hacking

2:00 PM - Lunch

2:30 PM - Teams Finalize Presentations

5:00 PM - Dinner, Chipotle 

6:00 PM - Presentations, 5 minutes per team

9:00 PM - Judges Evaluate

9:45 PM - Closing Ceremony and Awards

10:00 PM - NEAR Hackathon Complete



HackTX, taking place on October 15 & 16 at the Gates Dell Complex (GDC), is an annual hackathon for UT Austin students to demonstrate their skills by building a creative solution using technology. This twenty-four hour event gives people the opportunity to meet others with similar interests, participate in workshops, and build out something they are passionate about. Typically, there are two paths: the Beginners and Intermediate paths, but for the first time ever, Texas Blockchain will be introducing the new Blockchain path dedicated to developing on-chain projects.

So, what exactly is Texas Blockchain’s Role in this Event?

  1. Workshops!
  2. Sponsors & Grants!
  3. FREE merch and food!

Interested in participating in HackTX? Follow this link and register to be a part of the hackathon! For further information, the HackTX website will give insight into what your day at the hackathon will consist of!

Come out to all of our workshops (first one this Wednesday!) to learn valuable developing skills and to meet others in the space!

We’re excited to see UT build web3! Come join us at HackTX on October 15th & 16th for great workshops, free food and merch, and over $65k going towards this event! Register now at: !

Hack TX ‘22: Blockchain Edition
A thanks To Our Sponsors